While the Pell Archive at the University of Rhode Island is the primary source of Pelliana -- at 2,500 linear feet of boxes, there's a lot there -- not everything is in Kingston. Claiborne's personal scrapbooks remain with Nuala, and on a visit with her yesterday (and also son Toby and longtime aide Jan Demers), we found the CLAIBORNE PELL, VOLUME II scrapbook, which spans the period from 1937 to the late 1940s, a critical period in his life. Since what is contained within (photos, clippings, letters, his father's $300 initiation fee into the Knickerbocker Club in 1910, etc.) were personally selected by Pell, they provide enormous insight.
We couldn't find Volume I, but it is there at Pelican Ledge somewhere, awaiting discovery. Oh -- we also found the scrapbook Pell kept during the 196o primary and general elections. Perfect timing, as this morning I am beginning to write that chapter.
Pictured is the scrapbook on my desk, next to a pile of letters to and from his father circa 1930s that I've been reading through.
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